
Showing posts from January, 2023


  “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”                                                                              -Winston Churchill Sometimes things happen, and not always in a particularly good way. Maybe it makes you feel embarrassed and disappointed. Maybe even a belief in the fact that you have failed, and don’t have any more chances. But you do. And if everyone believed in that, the world would be filled with hope and people would have the determination to set things right. Your mind would strengthen, noticing you have the ability to inhale confidence and exhale your doubts and fears. Is our world going through such a hard time? It wouldn't be if everyone trusted each other, and had the power to learn as best as they can, knowing they have at least more than one chance. So, why doesn't everyone act on it? Well, few people in this world know they have the power of adding the word " yet" . Imagine working on a