“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

                                                                             -Winston Churchill

Sometimes things happen, and not always in a particularly good way. Maybe it makes you feel embarrassed and disappointed. Maybe even a belief in the fact that you have failed, and don’t have any more chances.

But you do. And if everyone believed in that, the world would be filled with hope and people would have the determination to set things right. Your mind would strengthen, noticing you have the ability to inhale confidence and exhale your doubts and fears. Is our world going through such a hard time? It wouldn't be if everyone trusted each other, and had the power to learn as best as they can, knowing they have at least more than one chance.

So, why doesn't everyone act on it? Well, few people in this world know they have the power of adding the word "yet". Imagine working on a hard math problem and saying, “I’m not good at math...yet!” instead of making yourself believe you will never be good at math ever in your life. Another way is to establish a growth mindset, which is thinking positive thoughts and extending your knowledge, making your brain as colorful as a rainbow on rainy days.

Your positivity matters when you try and fail because while others may choose to stay down and wallow in their misery, you will use your failures as an advantage and use them to rise up beyond where you were by learning.

Failure, in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, means a lack of success. But, you can fix this with a positive attitude, the power of yet, and many other personal motivators out there that you may or may not have heard of before!

Let’s think of a scenario where you want to try a new pastime, such as knitting. Your friend coaches you on the basics, and soon your knitting is known far and wide! But, that never would have happened if you just gave up on your first failed attempt, or if you constantly succeeded at knitting. This is also a fact, that many people out there are actually encouraging you, even if it doesn't seem like it! This is another reason why you shall never determine your future by your failures. Instead, use your failures to learn and better yourself, leading to an improved you.

It is now understood that failures are actually good for you, and instead of you thinking that they tear you down to a level you cannot rise from, you are pushed to a level that you have never laid eyes upon, and by showing our voices that failures are essential to our lives, just this small impact can set off a chain reaction worldwide...just because you believed!

This essay expresses my voice in knowing that failure brings new opportunities to every person in particular. Even though it is widely known that, like stepping stones, failures are significant in starting your life’s journey, the purpose of this piece is to state the meaningfulness in failures and to never give up on your ambitions, for failures pave the path to make your goals achievable.


  1. Nandini Ghosh ChoudhuryJanuary 28, 2023 at 7:31 AM

    Excellent mature writing. Applicable to people of all ages. Proud of you Aditri.


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