Cute underwater scene | Free SVG

“When saving people from someone ferocious, with kindness, that ferocious one will someday be your friend.”

Have you heard of the name Eraser World? Well, this story is about  four eraser friends,

Furry, the teddy bear, Finny, the dolphin, Shelly, the turtle, and Bubbly, the fish


These erasers have never seen or touched any pencils or their gray marks.

One day, Furry decided to go fishing. He grabbed his fishing poleFishing Rod Vector Clipart image - Free stock photo - Public ... and bait. As he fished, he saw a little underwater friend Shelly. 

“Hello!” Furry called, startled.

When Shelly looked up, Furry saw a sad look on her face. On asking what the matter was, he learned that Shelly had lost her friends Finny and Bubbly deep down in the waters. Hearing this, Furry turned into a sleuthSVG > find mystery glass police - Free SVG Image & Icon. | SVG Silh to help his new friend. With a magic touch from Shelly, Furry could breathe underwater by wearing a sleek diving suit that could provide oxygen for many hours. Shelly said, “There is a magical world down there.” Furry had never gone under the water and wondered what the deep sea looked like.

Diving down, it was a whole new world.Wow Surprise Comic - Free photo on Pixabay Furry was astonished. “Remarkable!” he said and hugged Shelly with joy. He had seen nothing like this ever before. Welcoming them, the colorful, glittering school of fish joined to give Furry a one big, warm welcome. Furry looked around, admiring the beautiful scenery in front of him. He saw the orange and white ClownfishClown Fish clip art gathering in corals, the slimy Starfish on the ocean bed, large winged Manta and Sting rays playing Peek-a-Boo, Blue, Yellow, Angel, and Mandarin Tangs playing catch-me-if-you-can and the beautiful, glowing and dancing JellyfishJellyfish PNGin a ballet school.

Diving a bit deeper down, suddenly, they saw a pebbled path. Following it, they arrived in another world called the Mermaid World. The mermaidsMermaid Pink Girl - Free vector graphic on PixabayMermaid Princess Sea - Free image on Pixabay were living a normal life, singing and making music, going out shopping, buying food, and visiting each other’s homes. Mesmerized by the view, Furry and Shelly almost missed a few puzzle pieces Jigsaw Puzzle Piece - Free vector graphic on Pixabay Jigsaw Puzzle Piece - Free vector graphic on Pixabay scattered a few inches away. Rushing to solve the puzzle, they saw a picture formed by the pieces, a picture of a golden key which they could see close by.

Following the trail, they saw the golden key beside an incredibly rare giant Melo Melo pearl. Wondering where the pearls came from, they excitedly kept on swimming. Getting the clue from the pearl, they went hunting for the cluster of Melo Melo shells thinking they would find a treasure chest that they would open with the discoveredVintage Golden Key | Free SVG golden key.

At last, after a long swim, they finally reached their destination. They saw a clam that belonged to the incredibly rare pearl. Knowing that this was a clue, they set aside the pearl and began digging into the spot where the clam Conch PNGwas. Soon, they found a glittering golden treasure chest. When they opened the chestTreasure chest vector graphics | Free SVG with the golden key, a sparkling rainbow shot up in a magnificent arc. They walked on the rainbowRainbow Vector Clipart image - Free stock photo - Public Domain ... like it was a path not knowing what lay ahead in the end. When they reached the end of the rainbow, they saw their friends locked in a cage Cage Metal Trapped - Free vector graphic on Pixabay guarded by two ferocious sharks. 

Furry and Shelly realized that the two sharks Shark Side Swimming - Free vector graphic on Pixabaywere hungry for food, so they had locked their friends up. Learning this, Furry, being great at wonder talk, spoke in a kind voice and said, "You don’t need to lock our friends up. You can ask nicely if you want something and not hurt anyone.” When the sharks learned from Furry’s words, realizing they made a mistake, they said, "We are very sorry. We now know it's not the right thing to do,” and released Bubbly and Finny immediately and they all became very good friends.


By: The Sis


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