On a wintry afternoon in Derry Township, Pennsylvania,  with flurry snow and icicles glistening in the Sun, Cora and Sydia, the two sisters,  were watching the movie “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'' and they both loved CHOCOLATE. 

Halfway through the movie, sipping their hot chocolate, wide-eyed and engrossed in Willy Wonka and his Golden Ticket, Sydia whispered to herself, “I wish we could learn more about chocolate. Less than a second after Sydia said her wish, thunder boomed and lightning flashed. Then, the two sisters had just enough time to hold hands and found themselves whirling through a portal.


 A long time ago…the sweet old days


After wordless minutes, so they thought, Sydia and Cora fell into a stream of water with a loud, “Splash!” When they struggled to the surface, they looked around. They saw old-fashioned Mayan homes, identical to the ones they had researched about the Mayan civilization a week ago, in their history class.

 “Are you thinking, what I am thinking, Cora?” Sydia asked, dumbstruck. “We are in the Mayan period but where are the Mayans?” 

“Well....What time is it? It might be way too early in the morning. But look!” Cora said, pointing to a sundial. They got out of the water and ran toward it all drenched.

 The numbers were written in the Mayan language, but they thought the numbers in English, and they made out the time 7:00. “The Mayans should be getting up from bed now,” Sydia said. Then, they heard doors opening, and Mayans stumbled out of their homes. “Are you sure you want them to see us?” Sydia asked. “I don’t know, but I think it’s best if we don’t get seen,” Cora replied. 

The two sisters hid behind a tree near the Chichen Itza, a famous landmark. The tree had a thick trunk that hid both of them. They watched all the Mayans busy with their chores and a Mayan, caught from the corner of their eyes, and away from the village, walked towards a tree that had dark brown seeds.  After plucking a few seeds from the tree, the Mayan walked toward his house, and a few minutes later, he returned with a colorful mug. Sydia and Cora did not see the drink that was in the mug, but they caught a glimpse of a dark brown drink.

“Who are you?” said a friendly voice. Sydia and Cora whirled around and saw a Mayan boy. “Um, I am Cora, and this is Sydia. Who are you?” Cora asked. “I am Cadmael. May I guide you to my home?” Cadmael asked. “Yes, please,” Cora replied politely. Cadmael led them to a hut that looked larger than the others. He led the two sisters to a big room with a bed, a low table with four placemats, and a chest. They sat down on the mats, hesitant.  “I am very excited right now. You may have noticed my father going out a few minutes ago and came back with a dark brown drink. It tastes wonderful!” Cadmael smiled. “I see that you are not from around here. Maybe give it a try. You might like it!” “What is that drink made of?” Cora asked, curious. “The drink is made from the seeds of the cacao tree. The drink is served in ceremonies, births, weddings, and -”

Cadmael was cut off by shouting from another room in a language Sydia and Cora did not understand. “Sorry, will you excuse me for a minute?” Cadmael asked. “Of course,” Sydia said as Cadmael rushed off. Cora leaned over to Sydia and whispered in her ear, “I never heard about this in our research.” Sydia gave a shrug. “I don’t know, maybe we haven’t dug deep in our learning.” Cadmael came back with a big smile on his face. “My mother’s sister is giving birth! She was so excited that she shouted for me to come! Oh, and what was I saying?” 

“You were talking about when people drink the dark brown drink,” Cora said.

 “Oh, yes. Thank you. Now, as I was saying, the drink is served in ceremonies, births, weddings, and burials. I fear that I have to leave you now. But please, stay in the village. If you’d like, go and read some books in the library. They have books written in Mayan and English languages.” “Thank you, Cadmael,” Both the girls said. “We really appreciated your help.” Sydia and Cora waved to Cadmael as they left. Cadmael waved back and walked until Cadmael was out of sight. When they crouched down behind the tree that hid them and made sure that no one was watching, they thought about how they would go home. “Do you have any ideas on how to get out of here?” Cora asked. “We can make a wish. I know how.” Sydia said. Cora looked puzzled. “Actually, I’m the one who brought us here. But, we have two options. Either go home or keep on learning about chocolate.” After a long pause, Cora sighed and said, “Let’s keep on learning.” “Okay!” Sydia said. “I wish we can keep on learning about chocolate.” Then thunder boomed and lightning flashed. Then the two sisters were sucked in by the portal again.


Chocolate for Happiness

 The sisters landed safely on a patch of grass instead of plunging head-first into the water.  When they got up, they took notice of their clothing. They were both wearing puffy dresses and were wearing bonnets on their heads. In the distance, they saw the SS. Great Britain, a great and big boat. Sydia and Cora dug their hands deep in the pockets of their dresses. Suddenly, they heard some clinking. They took their hands out. Inside of them was a handful of coins! “Yippee! We have money!” Sydia said, excitedly jumping in the air. “I’m starving. Let’s get something to eat.” “Okay,” Cora replied. They walked towards a food stand, and asked the lady there, “May we please buy a chocolate bar?” Because they needed sugar.

 “Of course!” The lady replied and handed them a chocolate bar with a man’s face on it. Curious, they asked, “Who is this man?” “Why, that’s Joseph Fry, inventor of the chocolate bar! Why do you ask?” “Um, we are learning all about chocolate, and is it possible if I and my sister get to meet him?” Cora asked.

 “I’m afraid Mr. Fry is on-duty, and he said he won’t be able to meet anyone today. But I can show you his factory where he makes his chocolate bars,” The lady said. “Thank you,” Sydia and Cora said after paying the lady. She started to walk, and the sisters had a feeling they should follow her. Munching on the pieces of the chocolate bar they got, Sydia and Cora followed the lady to a big factory with lots of chimneys and windows. There were lots of signs on the walls, too. “This is your lucky day. You will learn more in that tour they’re giving,” The lady said, pointing at a big sign that read, “FREE TOUR ABOUT HOW TO MAKE CHOCOLATE! FOR KIDS AND ADULTS!” “Thank you so much!” The girls said. My  pleasure.” The lady replied and walked away. “Well, I guess we just go in,” Sydia said, and they walked into the big factory, smelling chocolate.

The factory was huge, making it hard for a person to find their way around. Machines clinked and clanked together, and thousands of workers were scattered around. Thankfully, they saw a tour guide leading thousands of people around the machines. Sydia and Cora held hands, trying not to lose each other in the factory. They both walked to the crowd and got a space in the very front. “Welcome everyone! My name is Bertha Griffiths, and I am your tour guide for the day today! 

First, let’s start off with some fun facts about chocolate! Did you know that chocolate is made from the seeds of the cacao tree? Did you know that chocolate dates back to at least around 500 B.C.E? And also, the last fact, did you know that it takes 400 cocoa beans to make one pound of chocolate? The sisters felt proud that they knew already and have been there.

That is surely a lot! Bertha continued. Now, on to the chocolate-making process!” Bertha led the crowd to a big metal bin, full of cacao beans. There was a sign above the bin on the wall, and it said, FERMENTATION”. “Now, as you see here, these cocoa beans are being fermented, or the process to create aromas and flavor to the beans. Fermentation takes about one week. Next, we have one more thing to the fermentation process,” Bertha said, leading the crowd outside. She guided them to a similar metal bin, and again, full of cocoa beans. “These beans are drying in the sun, and this takes more than one week. Now, let’s go to the next step,” Bertha led the crowd to big roasters that were heating up inside. “This process is called roasting....” After 15 minutes, learning more about the process, Sydia asked Cora, “Can we go now?” “Yes, of course. But, before we go, let’s get some snacks from that lady we met. We might get hungry,” Cora replied.

 As said, the sisters walked out of the big factory and walked to the food stand. “Did you girls like the tour?” The lady asked. “Yes, we loved learning about the process of how to make chocolate,” Sydia said. “But we need some snacks because we might get hungry  while we go...somewhere far.” “Mm-hm,” The lady said as she filled the bag with snacks. Among them was another chocolate product, probably drinking chocolate, but with the word CADBURY written on the purple packaging.

“Ooh, another product with chocolate!” Sydia said with delight. “Wow! Another chocolatier! Is there any chance we can meet Mr. Cadbury?” Cora asked. “Mr. Cadbury lives very far away from here. Is that why you wanted snacks?” The lady said. “Yes,” Sydia replied. Then, both the sisters thanked the lady, and waved as they walked away. The lady waved back, and Sydia and Cora walked until the lady’s food stand was out of sight. “So, do we meet Mr. Cadbury?” Sydia asked. “Yes,” Cora replied. “Okay,” Sydia said, then whispered, “I wish we could meet Mr. Cadbury,” Then, thunder boomed and lightning flashed. Then, the two sisters were flying through a portal.

When they arrived, Sydia and Cora were wearing the same clothes they wore before when they met that lady. They landed near the New Street Station, the UK’s busiest train station. They brushed themselves off, then started to walk towards the train station. On one of the walls, there was a calendar. They checked the year, and it was 1897. “Must have traveled forward in time,” Sydia exclaimed. They turned around and walked towards the street filled with people and cars.

 Suddenly, a brochure came flying in the wind. Cora grabbed it, and Sydia peeked over Cora’s shoulder as she read aloud, “ The J.S Fry and Sons factory merged with another famous chocolatier named John Cadbury and a joint factory named British Cocoa and Chocolate Company. 

Wow! If only we could see Mr. Cadbury.” “Did you say that you wanted to meet Mr. Cadbury?” Asked a woman’s voice. Sydia and Cora turned around and saw a woman wearing clothing similar to theirs. She was wearing a name tag, and it said, “ELIZABETH”. “Who are you?” Sydia asked. “My name is Elizabeth. And I heard you girls talking about wanting to meet Mr. Cadbury, and I work for him. Do you girls need any help?” 

“You work for Mr. Cadbury? Can you lead us to him? And yes, we do need help.” Cora replied. “You girls must be tired,” Elizabeth said. Then, she took the two sisters by one of their hands and led them to a home with colorful walls. She walked them inside her home, sat Sydia and Cora down on a couch, and wrapped them both in a blanket. “Do you girls need a snack?” Elizabeth asked. “No, thank you, we have LOTS of snacks in this bag,” Sydia replied. They both reached for the Cadbury drinking chocolate, but, to their surprise, it turned into a chocolate bar!

 “Ah, I love Cadbury’s milk chocolate. It is my favorite of all chocolates. But, it was not sweet enough or milky enough to be a big hit. Mr. Cadbury is working on that problem.” Elizabeth said. Suddenly, Elizabeth’s telephone rang. She stood up from the couch, walked toward it, and picked it up. “Yes, I’ll be there right away,” She answered. She disconnected from the telephone, and told Sydia and Cora, “Mr. Cadbury is available to meet, but you will have some time alone with him since I will be working. Hurry! We have no time to lose!” 

Sydia and Cora jumped with joy. They ran towards the door, and Elizabeth unlocked the door for them. Together, they raced among the shadows towards a big factory. They rushed inside and rushed up the stairs. Elizabeth led them to a door with the words CADBURY, DIRECTOR on the window. They knocked on the door, and a man’s voice said, “Come in,”. They walked in and saw Mr. Cadbury sitting in a chair, typing something on a black, antique typewriter. 

He looked up, and Sydia and Cora saw what a big beard he had. He smiled and flew his arms welcoming them. “They wanted to meet you for some time,” Elizabeth said. “Well, happy to meet you, little girls," Mr. Cadbury smiled. “So, shall we introduce ourselves?” Mr. Cadbury asked. “My name is John Cadbury, and you may call me John.” “My name is Sydia,” Sydia said, pointing to herself, and then to Cora. “And this is Cora, my sister. We want to learn more about your chocolate.” 

Sydia reached into her bag and took out the Cadbury milk chocolate. Looking at it, John was amazed.

"Mr. Cadbury, you seem to be very happy and joyful. Why is that?" John, ready to answer said, "did you know that cocoa beans release a type of hormone called Tryptophan." "

"Tryp...what is that?" Cora asked curiously.

"It is pronounced as Trip-Toe-Fan and this hormone produces the happiness hormone called serotonin. Therefore, when you eat chocolate, you become happy."

"No wonder why we love chocolate so much!" Sydia exclaimed.

 Suddenly, Elizabeth opened the door. “I fear it is time to leave, Sydia, and Cora. Mr. Cadbury has an important meeting."

But, it has been nice meeting you both.” John said, looking at Elizabeth. “Goodbye,” Sydia and Cora shook hands with John, then walked back to Elizabeth. She closed the door, and they all walked back down the stairs and to Elizabeth’s home. “Did you girls have a nice time?” Elizabeth asked. “Yes,” Cora replied. Then, she said, “We want to go out for a walk.” 

“Of course!” Elizabeth said. “Goodbye!” “Goodbye, Elizabeth! Thank you!” Sydia and Cora walked away, then Sydia asked Cora, “Where do we go now?” “How about we visit Godiva?” Cora suggested. “Okay, Belgium, it is.” Sydia said, then whispered, “I wish we can visit Godiva,” and thunder boomed and lightning flashed, the two sisters were pulled in by the portal.


Truffles, Bars, and Delight!

When the girls woke up, they instantly liked the clothing they were wearing. They were both wearing dresses with short skirts and lots of buttons, kind of like a sailor girl’s dress. They got up and saw The Canals and Belfry of Bruges, a famous landmark in Belgium. They also saw a store, and its sign said, “GODIVA CHOCOLATIER''.

“Yay! We can start there,” Cora said. Both the girls walked to the store and the second they walked in, they smelled decadent and delicious chocolate. They smacked their lips, wide-eyed at the array of smooth and luscious chocolate truffles in glass cases. They also saw samples of the mouth-watering chocolate desserts. They rushed to the cashier, wanting to try the samples of a caramel apple tart, a vanilla mousse, a chocolate eclair, a red velvet cake, a chocolate lava cake, crème brûlée, and many more.

The whimsical store had colorful walls, rainbow lights, and a checkerboard tiled floor with stairs piled up with candies. The store even had tables and chairs where customers could eat delicious sweets. “Can we try the samples of all the delicious truffles?” Sydia asked the cashier. The cashier smiled and nodded, then led Sydia and Cora to the first chocolate truffle, a chocolate eclair. After they ate, they went on to the second one, this time truffle filled with raspberry jam, and so on. After eating all of the chocolate truffles, they asked the cashier, “Can we have your autograph? You have wonderful truffles and each and every one of them is unique.” 

The cashier was startled by hearing this. But, he pushed that feeling away, and he signed Sydia and Cora’s notepads. Looking at the familiar name, Cora’s face lit up.

“Hey! You are the chocolatier who made these chocolate truffles! What is your name?” “My name is Joseph Draps, and yes, I am the chocolatier who made these.” The cashier said. 

Both the girls started to walk away, but, before they did that, Cora said, “You know, Mr. Draps, your chocolate truffles will be a big hit someday,” “and also,” Sydia chimed in, “your truffles will be very expensive!” 

“Thank you both,” Joseph said, confused. “Have a wonderful day. Goodbye!” Waving back, they walked out of the store. “Well, those were YUMMY truffles,” Sydia said to Cora. “So, shall we make the wish? Where do we go?” “Home. But, how about Hershey?” Cora asked. “Okay,” Sydia said, then whispered, “I wish we can visit Hershey,” Then thunder boomed and lightning flashed. The two sisters were sucked in by a portal.


Home Sweet Chocolate

Sydia and Cora, surprisingly, were wearing their normal clothing. They looked around and saw Hersheypark, a fun park based on Hershey chocolate, and they were home.

“Are we in Pennsylvania?” Sydia asked, looking around. “We sure are, but we’re not even close to home,” Cora replied. “So, if the magic brought us here, then I think there must be some kind of stall that has facts about Mr. Hershey.”

“Where do we start?” Sydia asked, looking at the big park filled with thousands of people. Cora understood that Sydia was a bit scared. “Don’t worry,” Cora reminded. “Remember when we got here last year with Mom and Dad? We easily strolled around to our favorite places by following all those signs. Come,” Cora held Sydia’s hand and they walked into the crowd. The crowd was big, but Sydia and Cora managed to follow the signs. At last, they saw a stall filled with kids sitting on a rug. Confused, they both sat down in front of a lady sitting in a chair. “Hello, everyone! My name is Olivia, and today I am going to tell you all about Milton Hershey, the chocolatier who manufactured caramel and founder of the Hershey chocolate company. And this park is named after him.

”After an informative session, every kid was asked what their names were, and at the end they got their very own personalized Hershey bar, “and did you know, the piece of a Hershey chocolate bar is called Pip?” Olivia beamed with the trivia question.

Sydia and Cora were amazed as there is so much to know about.

Finally, their quest came to an end. The sisters, reaching home, were exhausted. They saw their parents lighting the campfire and waiting for them to eat their smores made with two Hershey pips and marshmallows but they replied instead, “we think we’ll pass,” rubbing their tummy.

Author’s Note -  In this chocolate quest, I learned about chocolates, its history, process, different kinds, landmarks, and a few famous chocolatiers who made the world happy with their famous chocolates. Without chocolate, there is no celebration.

- The Sis



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